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We live in Sunnyvale. But, it's not always sunny in Sunnyvale. :-(
Life isn't easy. But, we hope our apps make your day, a brighter day! ^^;
Life isn't easy. But, we hope our apps make your day, a brighter day! ^^;
- Choung Park, Lead Developer
Latest News
Token2Shell now natively supports SHA256 and SHA512 signature algorithms for RSA private keysSeptember 6, 2022
Token2Shell now supports higher bit MODP groups and hash algorithms for SSH key exchange methodsSeptember 13, 2020 is now live! See how you can seamlessly use Linux GUI apps in Windows 10 with X410!March 5, 2020
X410 gets more options for better user experience in Linux GUI apps and desktopsNovember 21, 2019
Pull your Linux GUI apps out of Hyper-V consoles! Run them like Windows apps with X410 over VSOCK!November 11, 2019
Token2Shell now natively supports SHA256 and SHA512 signature algorithms for RSA private keys
Token2Shell now natively supports SHA256 and SHA512 signature algorithms (
respectively) for RSA private keys. If you had problems logging into an OpenSSH server version 8.8 or later using an RSA private key (ex. 'publickey' user authentication, agent forwarding etc.), this new version should fix those issues.Token2Shell now supports higher bit MODP groups and hash algorithms for SSH key exchange methods
Token2Shell version 17.1.0 is submitted to Microsoft Store and should be available soon. The following lists its new features and improvements.
curve25519-sha256, diffie-hellman-group14-sha256 (2048-bit), diffie-hellman-group16-sha512 (4096-bit), diffie-hellman-group18-sha512 (8192-bit)
Fixed unexpected hang problems while using 'domterm' terminal type in GNUPLOT is now live! See how you can seamlessly use Linux GUI apps in Windows 10 with X410!
We'll be using as a dedicated website for all X410 related contents. Currently available how-to guides and posts about X410 at will be moved to this new website as well. will also host other topics that focus on creating a work environment that seamlessly combines Windows and Linux/Unix-like operating systems. When we decide to release new apps or tools for helping such efforts, you'll definitely hear about it first from
We hope you like the new website!
X410 gets more options for better user experience in Linux GUI apps and desktops
You now have an option for updating the content of a window while you're resizing it in Windowed Apps mode. Please note that we recommend turning this feature off when your computer doesn't have enough processing power or network speed.
Pull your Linux GUI apps out of Hyper-V consoles! Run them like Windows apps with X410 over VSOCK!
X410 supports VSOCK (virtual socket) for Hyper-V virtual machines. You can use this feature to open Linux GUI apps side by side with Windows apps instead of on Hyper-V consoles. We prepared a new quick guide for trying this out:
Token2Shell becomes more keyboard friendly in version 17.0.0
Token2Shell version 17.0.0 is submitted to Microsoft Store and should be available soon. The following lists its new features and improvements.
You can now set newly created floating terminal window size in characters. This option is also available for Address Book entries.
Address Book and Command Macro side panels now have an option for automatically closing themselves after selecting an item
You can now seamlessly copy and paste an image between Windows and Linux GUI apps with X410
X410 version 2.7.0 is submitted to Microsoft Store and should be available soon! Here are some of its highlights.
X410 natively recognizes and transfers raw image data in BMP and PNG formats. However, Windows and Linux automatically convert many image formats such as JPG to BMP format. Hence you should be able to freely copy and paste most images between the two OS's via X410.
Please keep in mind that the clipboard sharing in X410 is utilizing network communication functions instead of system memories. So if your clipboard data is too big (ex. a high resolution BMP image) or your Linux app is running over a slow X11 forwarding, you may not be able to paste the data due to the delays and timeouts for synchronizing the two clipboards.
Linux GUI apps in Hyper-V virtual machines can now be opened on Windows with X410 via VSOCK
X410 version 2.6.0 is now available in Microsoft Store! Here are some of its highlights.
By using VSOCK, you don't need to worry about configuring firewall or IP address. As X410 seamlessly supports Windowed Apps mode and shared clipboard, you can also use Linux GUI apps side by side with Windows apps instead of confining them to a Hyper-V console. Moreover, your virtual machines will be using less system resources since you don't need to run XRDP or other GUI desktop separately for each Linux virtual machine.
For an example of using this new feature, please read 'Using X410 with Hyper-V Linux Virtual Machines via VSOCK'.
Token2Shell version 16.1.0 brings enhancements and fixes for running it on Windows 10 October 2018 Update
▬ Version 16.1.0
▬ Version 16.0.0