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We live in Sunnyvale. But, it's not always sunny in Sunnyvale. :-(
Life isn't easy. But, we hope our apps make your day, a brighter day! ^^;
Life isn't easy. But, we hope our apps make your day, a brighter day! ^^;
- Choung Park, Lead Developer
Latest News
Token2Shell now natively supports SHA256 and SHA512 signature algorithms for RSA private keysSeptember 6, 2022
Token2Shell now supports higher bit MODP groups and hash algorithms for SSH key exchange methodsSeptember 13, 2020 is now live! See how you can seamlessly use Linux GUI apps in Windows 10 with X410!March 5, 2020
X410 gets more options for better user experience in Linux GUI apps and desktopsNovember 21, 2019
Pull your Linux GUI apps out of Hyper-V consoles! Run them like Windows apps with X410 over VSOCK!November 11, 2019
Token2Shell can now do Docker!
Token2Shell/MD is now simply Token2Shell!
In efforts to develop apps that are more tightly integrated with and fully optimized for Windows 10, we have upgraded our Windows developer account. But unfortunately Microsoft currently doesn’t provide a way to transparently migrate existing apps from one developer account to another.
All in all, we are releasing a new version of Token2Shell/MD from our new developer account simply as Token2Shell! Please install the new Token2Shell from the following link:
Please note that the new Token2Shell is not offered free to existing Token2Shell/MD owners. It must be purchased as a separate app if you want to upgrade.
For transferring existing Token2Shell/MD settings (ex. Address Book), you just need to export the Home Folder from its Settings page and select that exported folder from the new Token2Shell.
Token2Shell/MD will eventually be removed from Microsoft Store but we'll keep providing bug fixes and minor enhancements as long as we can. All new features such as connecting directly to Docker containers will be added only to the new Token2Shell.
Please help us build Token2Shell awesomely better by supporting the new release!
Thank you.
Best regards,
Choung Networks Dev Team
PS. As Token2Shell/MD can no longer be purchased from Microsoft Store, it'll not be listed on search results. However, you can install it from the "My Library" section in the Microsoft Store app ([ ... (See more) ] » [ My Library ] » "All Owned").